300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

If you're interested in teaching yoga as a profession, you may want to take a 300 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh, India. This intensive course is designed to teach you the basics of yoga asana (posture) and advanced breathing techniques, also known as Pranayama. It also covers yoga philosophy and anatomy. You'll learn to correct common mistakes in postures and incorporate modern scientific perspectives into your classes. During your 300 hour yoga teacher training , you'll learn about the process of teaching yoga and the traits that make a good teacher. The training program should include regular seminars and workshops, and it should provide you with a thorough understanding of the art of teaching yoga. For example, you'll learn how to use props and assist your students with various poses. In addition, you'll learn about yoga anatomy and physiology. You'll study at a premier yoga school in Rishikesh . The Vinyasa Yoga Academy is located in a bea...